One-on-one Dreamwork

Tend your Dream Symbols with Taylor

What messages are your dreams speaking to you?

Have you ever had a powerful, impactful dream you couldn’t understand?

So you turned to the internet, only to find unsatisfying and vague dream dictionaries?  

It wasn't just you. Dream dictionaries don't work. Life-changing. soul-revealing dream experiences and insights cannot be summed up by a static chapter from a dusty shelf.

Instead, dreaming invites us to weave a unique tapestry of insight synthesized from many sources,
including books, but also teachers, trainings, retreats, and circles, especially your own intuitive, intelligent body, divine and ancestral guidance, the greater web of human and more-than-human dreamers, inspired and creative revelations of embodied artistry, and the glorious Earth herself.

Dreaming is an ancient technology, an instrument of interpersonal and intra-species communication, your secret, magical navigation system.

Dreamwork is your OWN direct source to your soul’s longing and calling.

But, exactly how does one develop the skills to do this complex weaving from so many threads of wisdom?

In addition to a consistent, grounded commitment to listen to your own dreams, it is invaluable to have a caring, experienced, skillful guide at your side.

I invite you to consider me a capable, willing guide to support your apprenticeship to Mystery.

What time could be better to enter the sacred waters of your own dreaming practice?

Let’s wade in together.


Full Price* Dream-tending Session (80 min)

$75 USD

Taylor opens and closes ceremonial space, listens to your dream with embodied presence, and asks gentle questions to guide a grounded, embodied exploration of the feelings, images, and somatic experiences of the dream. You will receive personalized suggestions for honoring your dream with ritual and in connection with nature, both during the session and in a follow-up email. (For new clients, we block off approximately 15-20 minutes of the first session to do an intake interview and connect.)

*I offer my clients a sliding scale to self-determine an equitable fee to accommodate a diversity of financial needs and means. Please choose this option if your means allow it.

Mid-Sliding Scale* Dream-tending Session (80 min)

$55 USD

Taylor opens and closes ceremonial space, listens to your dream with embodied presence, and asks gentle questions to guide a grounded, embodied exploration of the feelings, images, and somatic experiences of the dream. You will receive personalized suggestions for honoring your dream with ritual and in connection with nature, both during the session and in a follow-up email. (For new clients, we block off approximately 15-20 minutes of the first session to do an intake interview and connect.)

*I offer my clients a sliding scale to self-determine an equitable fee to accommodate a diversity of financial needs and means. Please choose this option if full price would make these services inaccessible to you.

Low-Sliding Scale* Dream-tending Session (80 min)

$40 USD

Taylor opens and closes ceremonial space, listens to your dream with embodied presence, and asks gentle questions to guide a grounded, embodied exploration of the feelings, images, and somatic experiences of the dream. You will receive personalized suggestions for honoring your dream with ritual and in connection with nature, both during the session and in a follow-up email. (For new clients, we block off approximately 15-20 minutes of the first session to do an intake interview and connect.)
*I offer my clients a sliding scale to self-determine an equitable fee to accommodate a diversity of financial needs and means.
Please choose this option if a higher fee would make these services otherwise inaccessible to you. It is my pleasure to serve!

Complimentary 30 min Consultation

To get started, let’s have a free, 30 min consultation. I will answer any questions you may have.

Contact me directly with questions at to schedule time with me.

To book a full, 80 min session with me:

1) email me at and propose a day and time that you would prefer a session

2) when we find a mutually beneficial time, I will create an invite with a Meets link

3) you send your chosen sliding scale payment @tmj79 on Venmo or on Paypal. If neither of those options works, we will find a way. I can also accept personal checks. Just ask.

Tell your Dream Circle!

If you appreciate my work with your dream, the best way to support it is to recommend me to your friends, family, and colleagues! If your referral leads to someone booking me, you will receive 25% off your next session. Thank you in advance for spreading the gift of dream work!